Now, if you are planning your wedding ceremony and are a complete control freak and in need to have full command at all times, you probably want to skip over this blog. The micro-managers, the perfectionists, the pedants – you may also want to move on at a swift pace.

But the more relaxed among you, the more receptive, open-minded and generally chilled out, I am guessing you might love the concept of a surprise or two in your ceremony. So this blog is for you.
I am casting my mind back to a few months ago, when I had the first meeting with a couple who later booked me to write their ceremony. We were kicking around ideas, tentatively scoping out the ceremony, and I asked about readings. My couple knew instantly of two people close to them that they wanted to read, but weren’t set on WHAT they should read.
So, bearing in mind they had no strong views at this stage, I pushed the door a little - how do you feel about your readers choosing the readings FOR you? Yep, that would be great, was their response. And then I asked, how about they keep their choice of readings a SECRET from you until you actually hear them during the ceremony?
And the couple grinned at each other, and then at me – and said “Yeah, let’s do it!”
Now let’s be honest, there’s a lot of faith involved in this approach. There’s a teeny, tiny outside chance my couple might not like the readings their besties have chosen. They might regret not having seized the opportunity to scour the internet for days and weeks on end in search for that perfect, yet illusive, reading. They might wish they had just plumped for the excerpt from Captain Corelli’s Mandolin that everyone else chooses.
But in reality, putting their decision into the hands of others was the loveliest thing they could have done. Their besties are SO stoked to have this opportunity. They completely get what an honour this is. They are super-excited to have such an important part in the ceremony. They intuitively knew what they wanted to read straight away. And they have loved keeping it all a secret from the couple! And every time I do this, I love that readers never fail to surprise me (or the wedding couple) with readings that are original, and funny, and warm, and totally unexpected.
And isn’t that just the sort of gift you’d like to receive on your wedding day?
So consider crossing “Research readings” off your list and handing the responsibility over to your reader. I bet they won’t let you down!
(And if you’re a control-freak, micro-manager or perfectionist, thank you for reading this far. That’s pretty generous of you ;-) If surprise readings aren’t for you, I’d be delighted to help you source the perfect pieces for your ceremony. Just drop me a line.)